Yesterday and today have been a couple of the nicest days since we’ve been in CZ. Not only was there no rain, there was sunshine (it’s supposed to rain the rest of the week).
JP asked the boys if they wanted to go to a park yesterday, but EC said, “I’ don’t want to go. There’s too many people there on Saturdays and Sundays.” But this morning, with most kids in school, I took the boys out, and we went up the mountain. First we went to the exercise yard where EJ fell down and every lady up there gasped. Of course, he got up, dusted off his hands, and moved on to the next thing.
We then moved over to a more open area, and EC and N started climbing on the rocks. I then decided to just go ahead and go up to the tower (see photo below).
A few years ago, I was able to climb up the tower for ¥10, but now it’s closed. You can only go in the bottom "hallways.”
Coming down the mountain we took another path in order to stop by the concession stand for water, and that’s where the fun began. EC and N found a slide – on the mud and grass. After buying the water, we came down the garden path. Even though the sun shined all day yesterday, the paths were still muddy. EJ and I were at the top of the path, when I saw EC go down. Later, N went down. I was holding EJ’s hand, and he was slipping and sliding all over the place. I slid some, but managed to remain standing – that is until EJ asked me to hold him. I picked him up, took three steps, and down I went. He walked the rest of the way.
I’m dirtier on the right side, but you can see a smudge on me. EC’s behind was the dirtiest, but he didn’t want you to see it. 🙂